Manhattan backpack in mixed leather
125 €
Our marketplace solution
is coming soon

Gleec Market functionalities are coming really soon. We're working to offer you a complete solution that will change the way you can buy & sell products from your neighbor or all around the world, whether you are an individual or a professional.

Drop your email address and we'll keep you posted on the upcoming functionalities of our online & secured solution.

About us

Gleec is an international company specialized in very high security protocols to ensure secured transactions & communications to customers worldwide. Gleec Market is offering its own online payment solution thanks to Gleec Pay.

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Coming soon
We work at offering you a complete solution that will change the way you can buy products online from your neighbor or all around the world, whether you're an individual or a professional.
Drop your email address and we'll keep you posted on the upcoming functionalities of our online & secured solution.